Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed my photo-blogmessage from my trip to Berlin. ;)
Today I want to blog about something more serious, something that's been in my life ever since I was born: a PWS or Port Wine Stain.
As all of you know I have a birthmark, PWS is just a fancier name for it. It doens't bother me at all and I don't think other people should be bothered by it. I don't care what they think. It's there and they're going to have to accept that.
Since I'm a Facebook member I discovered a lot of people are bothered by theit own PWS. I think they should be blessed with their particular stain. Of course, mine is a lot tinnier than some of the people I met on FB, but still...
Mostly (and in my case) the PWS is harmless, but it can be something bad too unfortunately...
I'd like to link you to the site of the US National Library of Medicine, there's a whole explanation on what it is. When I was a kid I never really thought about what it was, but lately I've been searching the net to understand it a little bit better.
Up till now I don't see any reason why I should get it removed. Maybe one: most people recognize me immediately, so if I ever want to do some shop lifting they'll know it was me... ;)


  1. Haha ! Glad I put that mark there, prevents you from doing silly things ... xxx

  2. Haha! :) Om eerlijk te zijn zie ik je geboortevlek zelfs helemaal niet meer. Allé, je ziet ze wel, maar ik let er niet bewust op ofzo. En ik denk eigenlijk dat veel mensen dat hebben. Waarom zou je ze dan weghalen, als je er zelf ook geen probleem mee hebt? Je ziet er prachtig uit, ook met de geboortevlek! Liefs xx
